Tag Archives: purpose

day 557: Clarifying For Understanding

Why is it so hard to ask clarifying questions? Clarifying questions are those asked when we don’t understand what is being said and we aren’t going to understand any better unless we dig down another level and ask what at the time might feel like the stupid question, but is actually the one that clarifies it all for us. It doesn’t hurt at all to be the one who asks the question as others likely have the same question but are afraid to ask. We can be the courageous ones and take the chance of being the fool. The other reason we need to ask is that if we don’t then we run the risk of missing out on what comes next or we end up faking it, which is worse. We’ve all done this at some point or another. Someone will bring up something, of which we have no clue, but we play along with the hope that the conversation moves on to something else and worse we pray we aren’t called upon to add more knowledge to the subject. It would be so simple to say, “I don’t understand”, or better yet to say, “Can I ask a clarifying question about that?” We shouldn’t have any fear in asking the follow-on question so that we are fully informed and can then add into the conversation or topic words and thoughts of substance. Any time we don’t do this we are wasting an opportunity for ourselves and others. Jesus told His disciples that if they didn’t dig in and understand the stories He was telling now, that they wouldn’t understand later; “But if you can’t understand this story, how will you understand the others I am going to tell?” We have to dig in. We have to seek understanding. We have to ask the clarifying questions and keep doing so until we get it. Imagine not and missing the messages that are coming our way? Start today thinking about what you can avoid missing just by asking one more question.

Reference: Mark 4:13 (New Living Testament)