Tag Archives: purpose

day 816: Triple E’s

“The whole city celebrates when the godly succeed…”

As business people we love to celebrate success. The truth is that we walk in the shoes of those before us to be able to truly succeed. And usually those are large shoes to fill, like triple E’s. Not everyone understands how much they have benefited from others who have walked before them. The small number of companies that actually spend time celebrating their history, and specifically, those who made a difference, are few. We typically forget quickly who it was that did this job before us. But, think if we were to spend more time remembering or celebrating those before us and also learning from them, their good and their bad? Might we make less mistakes or even be better when we realize how big the shoes are to fill so that we could move forward with greater humility?

Amy L. Sherman wrote a recent book called, “Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good”. She describes that in our calling we have the opportunity to address the three e’s in front of us; “ethics, evangelism, and excellence”. Much of what we talk about in Purposed worKING can be wrapped into these three “e’s”. If we don’t pay attention to those three things then our vocational “calling” will never fulfill our purpose of bringing glory to God in all that we do. If we can indeed walk in the triple e’s then we will be on the right path. Today, let’s consider whether or not we have incorporated the triple e’s into our everyday work callings?

Reference: Proverbs 11:10 (New Living Testament)