Tag Archives: purpose

day 898: Utilities

“Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, on whom our faith depends from beginning to end.”

Anyone who has upgraded to a smartphone has seen that we have been provided as a standard utility a compass. I don’t think I have really ever used it but it’s nice to have it there if I ever need it.  What is the best thing about a compass is that no matter where we are we can get a reading on where is north. It would be great to have within our businesses a readily available utility for everyone within the company to know exactly where we are, where we are going, and even best, how to get there. A “compass utility” that every employee could carry with them so if they ever got lost would be great.  There’s really not a perfect one of these, but a clear communication, a roadmap, a easily understood mission or vision statement can go a long way in providing the utility to help employees find their way. Every organization should consider finding their own utility that accomplishes this goal.

Paul nails this for us when he tells us that we should keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as the only utility we ever need. How great it is that we have this built-in compass for the truth.  We should consider each and every day that we need to fix our eyes on the utility that was given to us and use it as a our positioning to make the most of this life that God has given us!

Reference: Hebrews 12:2 (New Living Testament)