Tag Archives: puposed

day 2857: The Debrief

“Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.”

We are in a moment when checking in with someone or following up after a ZOOM Meeting or a call has become more important than maybe even before.  We all probably know that feeling now of when we leave one of these meetings we then have a feeling of emptiness or wondering of “how did that go?”.  A number of years ago I was working on a project with a co-leader and for nearly 16 months whenever Jim and I would get off of a call where there was another person (or a group) with us, immediately after the call ended one of us would call each other to “debrief”.  It became such a ritual that we both didn’t consider the meeting really over until we had talked it out.  We are missing the debriefs right now in much of what we do and taking a few extra minutes to get that moment of assurance or confirmation can make a huge difference in our attitudes and confidence.

So, who is it who should be showing more of the interest in others right now?  It should be us who are doing our best to bring glory to God as the ultimate purpose of our working. In times of stress, fast pace, pressure and confusion, the natural default is to take care of ourselves first and others second.  But, we are to be counter to that nature and yes, we are to put the interest of others, at a minimum, at the same level of our own interests.  Want to be different?  Then try putting others in front and watch what happens.  Spoiler alert: It will be good.

Reference:  Philippians 2:4 (New Living Translation)