“Be still, and know that I am God!”
This is my last post on my learning from the Camino. There are so many more that I could write, but we will let those show up when they are supposed to do so. This final learning was the best of all for me. I needed it, so maybe that is why it was there to be found.
Something good happens when we slow down. We see things we haven’t seen before, hear things that we normally wouldn’t and consider thoughts that are longer and more complex. When we rush by life and all that is around us we not only miss important things, we also fail to connect with what is most important, and those are the people around us. On the Camino de Santiago it is impossible to not find time of stillness, quiet and contemplation. Even on the days when the finish starts to look better than the journey, there is an ability to observe and converse in a way that we don’t in our everyday lives. I talked. I watched. I listened. I smelled. I stopped. If we slow down, just a bit, we will find that there is way more going on around us than we realize. A pause or just a decrease of pace, for just a while, can open up new opportunities that are all around us but not obvious. Slow it down for a bit and watch what happens. The Camino teaches how good it can be.
“Be still and know that I am God” or “Hey you, slow down and try a new way”. We can’t speed up God so why don’t we slow to His speed and see what it is like there? We don’t because we either don’t trust or we don’t believe. Today, we are going to be challenged in our work to speed up and solve problems and create ideas and plans. But, we also have some of those in front of us that we know we aren’t up to and don’t have the foggiest of ideas on how we will not only solve, but even survive. This is God’s territory and time that we slow ourselves down to follow Him! The way forward is always there, it is what we need to experience and know before we go that God has in His hands!
Reference: Psalm 46:10 (New Living Translation)
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