Tag Archives: Psalm 105:8

day 2250: E.S.G.

“He always stands by his covenant— the commitment he made to a thousand generations.”

E.S.G. is in the news again.  It’s a term that has been bantered around for awhile but has found itself back in the headlines as investors again try to better assess the total value of a company.  E.S.G. stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance responsibility.  The evaluation is coming from both ends of the spectrum as not only investors are putting on a more discerning eye on this, but also the young workforce of millennials who are looking at these factors as they make their job and company choice decisions. It’s hard to know if anyone will win many new investors, consumers, customers or employees because their E.S.G. scores are high, but it’s a proven given that in today’s world, ignoring these and then having a problem will bring on more bad PR and attention than anyone will ever wish.

Espousing our faith as the driver of our lives takes courage and commitment.  It also invites scrutiny and evaluation from others and you know what, that’s okay.  It wasn’t long ago that we would see W.W.J.D. on bracelets, patches and necklaces.  It was a way to remind ourselves but also to outwardly show Who it is we follow.  Like a corporation that stands up for areas like E.S.G., we must also stand up and then be ready to stand firmly in what we believe.

Reference:  Psalm 105:8 (New Living Translation)