Tag Archives: pruposed working

day 2833: Made Possible

“And what you put in the ground is not the plant that will grow, but only a bare seed of wheat or whatever you are planting. Then God gives it the new body he wants it to have. A different plant grows from each kind of seed.”

What is being made possible?  Yes, what do we have happening around us that is making the new come alive? I suspect that we each have an example of something we have seen or experienced that has been new and maybe even exciting to us from these past 12 weeks.  Possibilities can be life altering and we never want to miss out on those, even if they are thrust upon us.  They surely can be uncomfortable at the moment, but as we adapt and embrace, we will find that what is made possible might well become a gift.

I’m excited that sometime soon we (here in Northern California) will be able to return to church.  Many of you have already been able to do so.  Congratulations!  In the meantime, I am totally digging what has been made possible through online services.  There has been a level of authenticity and intimacy that I will miss if things go back to how they were before.  But, maybe something has been made possible that sets a new standard that we don’t ever return? So, let’s not miss out today on the possibilities in our lives that have been put in front of us!

1 Corinthians 15: 37-38 (New Living Translation)