Tag Archives: Proverbs 25:28; Tying up loose ends

day 2737: Tying Up Loose Ends

“A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.”

If you are in the office today and tomorrow, it’s about tying up loose ends and clearing out what has been sitting on the desk for far too long.  Or maybe, just maybe, you are ahead of the curve and today and tomorrow are about laying out and planning the year and the first quarter.  Which are you doing? Either is fine and just as fine is that you are still spending downtime with friends and family.  There is a time for each of these and what is most important is that we know which we are needing to do and when.  Too many times we let the business (people, schedule, due dates, urgency, agenda) drive our calendars and not the other way around, which as we intuitively know, is the better way.  But, as long as we are trying, we are going in the right direction.

While we might be tying up our loose business ends, we can still be planning our upcoming spiritual strengthening for the year.  We can commit now, before the year starts, to our Bible reading and study plan, the devotional and prayer times that we can calendar daily and the scheduling of our service times at church.  Why is it important that we plan ahead in these areas?  Because, as we know, life serves us continuous loose ends to tie up, challenging our self-control, stealing away the invaluable time that we can never get back. We can’t control everything we have on our plate, but if we keep our focus where it should be, those loose ends will still be there, but they won’t be such that they take control over us.

Reference: Proverbs 25:28 (New Living Translation)