Tag Archives: protocol

day 1123: Protocols

“For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.”

As we do business we have to consider protocols. Especially if we do business internationally we need to be astutely aware of protocols.  From experience it is easy to mess up and offend, when it seemed such an innocent or accepted in our culture word or action.  There is a reason why there are people who make a living as protocol experts. Even within our own companies there are protocols that we follow and unless someone tells us what they are, new hires runs the risk of making missteps that can be career damaging or worse. The unspoken protocols can be even more powerful than those that are written down and shared.  Sites like Glassdoor.com (where I am on the Board) are great for these unspoken protocols in a business. In today’s day and age when career mistakes can have long-lasting impact, we want to be sure that we are doing all that we can to at least understand these protocols.
So, let’s make it really simple. God doesn’t mess around with a bunch of unspoken protocols for our access to him.  And, his protocol with us is even clearer, he doesn’t butt in and try and force his way into our lives.  He instead just opens Himself up to us at all times and says, “Come to me all…”.  No politics, no positioning, no protocols necessary in God’s Kingdom.  Just acceptance, love and forgiveness.  What and where does it get any better than in His Kingdom?
Reference: Matthew 7:8 (New Living Translation)