Tag Archives: promises! Promises!

Day 3K321: Promises! Promises!

“For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory.”

We make too many promises that we know we will never be able to keep.  When I say, “we”, I mean we as a culture.  We have no problem, sadly, watching our elected officials promise us things that are unrealistic and they know won’t ever happen.  Other of our institutions do the same.  The business world does it too, knowing that years after the promise was made that no one will remember when it doesn’t come to fruition.  And, while we individually may not attempt to mislead, when we don’t fulfill a promise we make, there is a further erosion of trust from those around us.  And we wonder why there is so much skepticism and cynicism all around us.  Let’s all be careful about the promises we make and be diligent on fulfilling them.  They matter.

Last week I wrote that I’d be speaking at my church this past Sunday.  I did. The title of my message was “Promises! Promises!”.  Here is the online version.  You can watch or listen and I hope you get something from it as I dive into the Promises that God gives us through His Word and what we can do to live them out!

Reference: 2 Corinthians 1:20 (New Living Translation)