Tag Archives: presidential election

day 2139: Flawless Diamonds?

“For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard”

Nearly all diamonds have an imperfection.  But, they are still beautiful and costly.  And regardless of the flaws, they are diamonds, one of the hardest and most durable items on the earth.  Today we in America go to the polls to elect a new President.  And in America, we want our President, or our candidates to be diamonds that are flawless.  So, is our presidential selection really all that far from picking a diamond and trying to decide what flaws we can live with, given the price, knowing that they will be durable in office for at least four years?  Today will be really hard for just under half of America as they won’t be happy with the outcome, but even so, with the flaws, which are obvious and well-known by all, we can if we choose, look for the good and find the beauty in the diamond.

For who is not flawed?

Lord, let me not fall prey to respond today in a way that would reflect my flaws to others and tarnish any of the beauty that is You!

Reference:  Romans 3:23 (New Living Translation)