Tag Archives: Philippians 1:23

day 2858: Longing For The Future

…I long to go and be with Christ, which would be far better for me.”

I can’t think of a time in my own life when I have longed more for a time to just be over than I have right now.  It’s a hard moment to wrestle with when what the future may portend is not what we want it to be and the only way forward is to do all we can personally, and then just wait and see what happens next.  It is wearing on me, and I am guessing I am not alone. In times like these, it is when we have to remind ourselves of the bigger picture and do the best we can to reorient our perspective to there.  The lessons we are learning now are also good for how we think about significant and long term business cycle and industrial emphasis shifts. It’s never been good enough to ignore the future because the present is so good, but we tend to do that over and over.  Maybe, for at least a generation or two we will be reminded that what we have now can be taken from us, without warning, so we need to be better at spending time talking and planning for the future.

Heaven.  It’s our future and worth longing for.  Longing, as Paul uses the word, to be with Christ does not mean we are giving up on life or holding some death wish, but instead it means that we are elongating our perspective beyond the life we have now.  I personally really like Randy Alcorn’s view of Heaven and whether his is right, or wrong, when we consider that Heaven is the final destination, then what is going on with us now, or in our earthly future is no more than growing pains in the pursuit of a time which will not only be better, but will be perfect.

Reference:  Philippians 1:23 (New Living Translation)