Tag Archives: order

day 2210: Order It Up

“‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

There is an order for everything.  While we may not always recognize what that order may be or when the time is perfect for the order to fulfill itself, we are quick to point out when the order has been disrupted.  We will call out the person who cuts the line.  We will send back the wine that is beyond its time.  We will complain about the person who got the promotion when we thought we were next in line.  We like order, but we aren’t great at being open and explicit about what the order should be.  There is also the order of things.  Patti and I have embraced living small and as such it becomes important that everything is in order, otherwise a small space looks cluttered or messy. The same can be said of our work spaces.  The person who can’t find what they are looking for loses productivity.  And the person who tries to rush projects, people or process before it is time has failed to see the power of order.  It is worth questioning ourselves as to whether or not we have things in order?

Jesus was very clear on the order of our priorities.  If we stand within His order then we will see that everything else will fall perfectly into place.

Reference:  Matthew 22: 37-39 (New Living Translation)