Tag Archives: newscorp

day 1170: One Divided By Two Equals Freedom For More

“So Christ has truly set us free. Now make sure that you stay free, and don’t get tied up again in slavery to the law.”

Today, one entity becomes two.  NewsCorp has split into the new Newscorp and the new 21st Century Fox. Newscorp keeps all of the print and digital media and Fox gets the broadcast and cable media.  Their theory being that dividing the company, the two entities will be more focused and therefore stronger than the one put together.  We will find out later today how the shareholders respond.  There is nothing new with the spinout or the splitting of a corporation, but with each of these moves what is truly desired is that the freedom from the other creates new opportunities for creativity and leverage.  In my experience what I have seen is that one of the entities will immediately flourish and one one will stay somewhat the same. In this case, we will also have to wait and see.  What we can predict is that the one that feels the greatest amount of freedom will be the one that exceeds the expectations.

When we accept and follow Jesus He frees us from the worldly being that we were before and allows us to live and flourish in His grace and love, not bound up by those laws and rules that we could never achieve or uphold anyway. Yes, in order to flourish and grow spiritually we also have to shed parts of us that are holding us back.  What we know for sure, that no one can predict in the business world, is that when we couple ourselves with Jesus we are on the right side of the growth equation. As we start this week where we as a country celebrate our freedoms we can also focus on how Christ frees us from those things that hold us back. Split and shed for freedom.  In Christ, this makes perfect, predictable and reliable sense.

Reference: Galatians 5:1 (New Living Translation)