Tag Archives: moviefone

day 1328: “Hello, And Welcome To…”

“…his mercies begin afresh each morning.”

If you read the title of today’s post and were immediately able fill in the rest of the sentence, then you are the by-product of a time when digital technology began.  No, this was not the internet.  This was the telephone.  Not too long ago the phone was analog and those content/data hungry, but unfulfilled phone lines were begging to be used more fully.  Remember what a dial-up modem started as?  We would put the phone receiver in a cradle where the microphone could hear the modem sending the data sounds through the phone. And then came push button phones that allowed for tones to be sent.  That was the beginning, for those tones meant ways to capture choices, like “yes” and “no”.  Shortly thereafter, we got “Moviefone”, or as we may remember it, “777-FILM”.  It was a cultural smash hit.  We called it to just see how it worked.  And, worked it did for a long time. Until this week. We have reached the end of that technology arc.  It’s come and gone, replaced by links, touches and apps.  What does that tell us about how fast technology moves?  What does that tell us about our own relevance?  Are we still using the same approach as we did before:  “Hello and Welcome to Moviefone?”  If so, it’s time to change.

Sometimes our testimonies and accounts of God’s work in our lives can get dated and to those around us who hear us speak up about God, using the same stories from long ago over and over, we begin to sound old and a bit out of touch.  If God is working in our lives daily, (like why we are here on this site day in and day day out), then we must also have new stories and accounts to relate to His love, grace, mercy, and salvation.  Think about it today and ask God to refresh your life story so that the next time the opportunity arises to share about Him, we don’t sound like yesterday’s news.

Reference: Lamentations 3:23 (New Living Translation)