Tag Archives: Matthew 16:26

day 2049: Soulfulness

“And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?”

There was an amazing book written in 1981 by Tracy Kidder; The Soul of a New Machine. If you were interested in computers or technology it became somewhat of a manifesto for those creating hardware and software.  The book won the Pulitzer Prize, telling the story of a team of engineers who gave their all to create a computer faster and with higher quality than their competitors. The speed and commitment by which the team works demonstrates that their souls are replicated within the machines they have created. When we hear of products that have “soul” what is being said is that there is a level of quality and accessibility that it becomes obvious that the heart and all of the creator has been infused into the design and operation.  We can’t often say this about many products, but when we do experience one, we know immediately that it has soul.

Our souls are our most treasured possession.  They are the one possession that God wants us to protect, invest and cherish.  Jesus clearly challenges us that everything else is for nought if we lose our souls. I know people who have soulfulness and their very character exudes daily the love of Christ.  We should each strive a little harder today to be sure that we are paying attention to how we are investing, or not investing, in the caretaking of our souls.

Reference:  Matthew 16:26 (New Living Translation)