Tag Archives: Matthew 11:29

day 2361: Put Me In (As) Coach

“Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

I was asked by a young entrepreneur whether or not he should have a coach?  I felt like Yoda as I answered him with questions.  “Did Michael Jordan have a coach?” “Did Tiger Woods need a coach?”  “Does a recording artist need a Producer…an Actor a Director…an Author an Editor?”  Yes, we all need coaches, but few will say they have one.  Many CEOs and business leaders will demur because their ego won’t allow them to admit they need a coach and with that, they probably need a coach way more than they know.

Who makes a great coach?  Jesus gives us a hint in one of His most famous and quoted verses. The great coach can be you; “humble and gentle” with others.  You may be just the coach that someone else needs today. Think about it!

Reference: Matthew 11:29 (New Living Translation)