Tag Archives: Matthew 10:30

day 2372: Who’s Counting?

“And the very hairs on your head are all numbered”

Someone is always counting. As my friend Michael likes to say, “Everything is just a math problem”.  In business, he’s pretty much on target.  We measure impact and success by numbers and if we aren’t measuring it, then it probably does need to be measured.  How about Jonathan Pace who found the largest Mersennes Prime number in history. We now have the computing power you would think to find unlimited of these, but still we only discover one or so a year.  So, if you are finding your numbers to be evasive, think positively, because they might be just about ready to be known.  BTW, the prime that Mr. Pace found (he’d been computing-ly searching for 14 years)  “(notated as 2^77,232,917-1) contains 23,249,425 digits—nearly a million digits longer than the previous record holder.”

We say it almost so many times that it feels like a cliche, but God really does count us so closely that He knows everything there is to know about us.  If that is the case, then why are we not today measuring ourselves in how much we are giving back to Him?  He asks for nothing but our hearts, which we can give to Him as we worship, learn and live for Him in all we do.  Everyday we can discover another way in which we count to Him, if we only are open to that exploration.

Reference: Matthew 10:30 (New Living Translation)