Tag Archives: Mark Burnett

day 1101: Replication Difficulties

“All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong with our lives”.

Don’t we wish that we could take something that is great and replicate it to the same standards, quality and acceptance?  Many have tried and have failed doing so, because there is something just inherently not the same but no one can quite put a finger on what it is.  Sometimes it is the user interface. Other times it is the design. Sometimes it is the external influences that have changed and make something that was once cool, not so cool anymore.  I think about what seems to be the continuous redesigns of the RIM Blackberry and every single new phone comes up the same, missing the mark. For the past few weekends I have been watching The History Channel’s presentation of “The Bible”.  While the source content, of course is great, the movie presentation has not been as positively accepted.  Somethings are just hard to replicate and God’s Word is certainly one of those.  As we look to our next product redesign or service enhancement, if we are looking to replicate what someone else has done so successfully that it seems like a no-brainer for us to be able to do so as well, then be sure to stop and think deeper before taking the dive.  There is likely more than meets the eye that needs to be explored and understood before success is guaranteed.

I’m not sure why we aren’t able to recreate God’s Word into other movie or television forms that are credible to the masses and become soul-winning adaptations.  We are able to do it well with live re-creations.  It works in song. It can work in painting. It works with audio recordings. But something falls short when we go behind a camera. Something is lost in the moving visuals that removes the emotion, sincerity and authenticity.  Maybe it is because, like we as believers also experience, all people hold God’s Word to a higher standard?  Sometimes that happens because they don’t want to believe and they want these works to fail, but I think that other times it is because we expect that the inspired words of God come with an ability to reach in and touch our souls. I applaud Mark Burnett and his wife and The History Channel for their re-creation.  Each of us who are believers had our own personal game upped with their presentation.  Regardless of their take, every viewer will look to us for our own personal example and how we are either living into or away from God’s Word.  Replication of the love, grace, mercy, compassion and consistency of our Lord is not easy, but this what we are here to do.  Today, we are called. Today, will we answer that call?

Reference:  2 Timothy 3:16 (New Living Translation)