Tag Archives: Mark 16:15

day 2931: “-ize”

“And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”


A couple of weeks ago my Patti bought a new car.  It was needed as she’d driven her last one for 15 years. As we were going through the final parts of the process out came the extra “offers”.  Always at the end of the sales pitch there is the “-ize” offer.  Weatherize, Diamondize, Sparklerize, etc.  It’s a funny process as you know it is coming, but you still have to stop and think for a moment as to whether this is a good proposition or not.  And, at the end of what takes longer than it should, I think they are counting on us being worn out and saying, “Sure, just Superize me!” Is this why car salespeople and dealers get such a bad rap?  Let’s consider what we are offering to our customers and consumers to what they may be thinking, “Are these guys just trying to “-ize me?”

On the Faith Driven Entrepreneur podcast we interviewed Dr. Tony Evans, Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas.  Along the way in the conversation he said we should all be trying to “Kingdomize” our companies. At first, because of my experience with “-izing” as mentioned above, I didn’t think it was the right word.  But, as I wrote it down and have pondered it over the weeks, I think he is exactly right.  What better can we do than ask for the protection and covering that God can give us, our people and our ventures?  And, what better can we do than to be sure that all that we are working on and doing is to bring glory to Him through our work?  With that, I’m all in on the Kingdomize program!

Reference:  Mark 16:15 (New Living Translation)