Tag Archives: Mark 1:35

day 2232: Checking Accounts

“Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.”

How many times a day do we check our social media accounts, our texts and our email inboxes?  I don’t need to tell you, it’s way too many.  And if we are doing it, so are our customers and consumers.  And then we wonder why we can’t get their attention or emails just go unopened.  It’s gotten so bad that open rates are expected to be low, which just leads many to send more emails.  Checking our accounts only cause us to add on more distractions because with each message or advertisement we have to make a decision (keep, delete, forward, reply?) and each of those decisions take time and some mental energy.  Maybe we would be better to set aside specific times each day to check and all the rest of the time we pay attention to other things that matter more.

It seems from what we know of Jesus, He had a favorite time for checking with His Father.  He would use early morning for His dedicated time.  Was it because that was when He would be less distracted from others, or because it was the time that His mind was most alert and energy level the highest?  We don’t know, but we can be assured that He was finding and using His best time to check in.  Can we not today do a little checking on how we are using our best and most focused time and then dedicate it to Him?

Reference: Mark 1:35 (New Living Translation)