Tag Archives: Marina Gorbis

day 1185: Bye Bye Anonymity, Part 2 – The Amplifiers!

May God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.

I just finished Marina Gorbis’ book; “The Nature of the Future”.  It is a great read and lays out a very plausible path to the future and how our social structures, influenced by technology will make the future a very exciting place to be.  She brings forward the idea of “Socialstructing”, which means that we need to consider that the transparency and openness of data and who we are by both passive and active deposits into the large data scheme collection of the internet, changes everything going forward. Gorbis unpacks the power of access of information about others (friends, influencers, and aggregated unknowns) into buying transactions, reputation interactions, recommendation engines, advice, and even lending and investment practices.  She says, “We are moving away from the dominance of the depersonalized world of institutional production and creating a new economy around social connections and social rewards.”  To her, this is “socialstructing”. She goes on to say that this shift leads us away from anonymous participants to active “amplified individuals” who will make the difference.  Do we know who the amplifiers are of our business?  They are armed with technology, their social network, and an audience of curious minds who with a nudge of momentum jump onto the bandwagon. Now is the time to take heed and understand the buttons of our business amplifiers.

And here we sit with the gifts of technology and an openness to the world like never before, with the world now telling us to become what God has asked us to be from the beginning, His “Amplified Individuals”.  We received the Great Commission.  We are to be the spreaders of His Word!  We are to amplify His love, grace and message to others.  Are we His amplifiers or are we still thinking that being anonymous in the Kingdom is good enough?  It’s time to start exploring how God wants us to use our tools, talents and resources to become His army of amplifiers!

Reference: 2 Peter 1:2 (New Living Translation)