Tag Archives: manic monday

day 488: Just Another Manic Monday

I rose this morning to more to do than I would have the hours to complete. Was this what the Bangles were referring to when they wrote the song “Manic Monday”? I looked at the to do list and I realized that there were two important calls that I needed to make before my day even started and since I was scheduled to go run at 6:00AM with my training group, one of the calls would have to wait until I was done. So, I performed my own triage, made a call, ran, made the other call and then scrambled to get to my first meeting. This sound at all familiar to anyone elses Monday? As I was running and my mind was moving too, I was reminded of yesterday’s church message about what Jesus said about the most important commandment; “And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and and with all your strength”. What is so great about that verse is that in the midst of the things on the list, the emails that have to be returned, the calls that have to be made, etc. that we can still love the Lord with all our heart, with all our mind and all of our strength. God knows that we have a long and arduous to-do list and He gives us the strength and the capability to handle it all while still being able to love Him with all we have. Monday’s should never be manic. They can be busy and they can sometimes be daunting for the time, but God gives us all enough that we don’t have to let them become too much to bear. What I also like about the Bangle’s song is that the second line of the chorus, is “I wish it were a Sunday”. 🙂

Reference: Mark 12:30 (New Living Testament)