Tag Archives: Luke 2:46

day 2166: Three Day Weekends

“Three days later they finally discovered him in the Temple, sitting among the religious teachers, listening to them and asking questions.”

I hope your three-day weekend was restful and you had a moment to reflect on the meaning of yesterday’s holiday. Three day weekends are nice because we can get that one extra day of rest and then if we want, we can use the third day as a quiet time to catch-up, or to get a running start on the week ahead.  Either way, more three-day weekends would be nice, if for nothing else to have more opportunities to spend time at home.

I’m not sure their three-days felt so good for Mary and Joseph as they spent three-days trying to find Jesus, who they had thought they had lost after Passover trip to Jerusalem.  We taught this story on Sunday to the kids in our Sunday School class.  The Bible tells us that Mary and Joseph were panicked but no where does it say that Jesus was at all worried or concerned as He had found His way back to “His Father’s House”.  There is a movie out right now titled, “”Lion”.  It is a great lost and found story and very touching.  It is also the story of the innate human need for each of us to find our way home, no matter what that definition might be.  As we read this today, if we allow ourselves to be in touch with our deepest longings, we would like to be “home” now too.  That is part of our human journey as believers who know there is another home waiting for and that is to take the time we have here, to be in preparation for going home, to our Father’s House.

Reference: Luke 2:46 (New Living Translation)