Tag Archives: luke 18:1

day 3K68: When To Challenge

“Jesus told them a story showing that it was necessary for them to pray consistently and never quit.”

This week we might still be working on our 2022 Resolutions and what activities we will begin this month and carry with us daily throughout the year. For the past few years the creators of YouVersion have launched a 21-day Bible reading challenge to start off their annual Bible reading program.  What they have found is that many people meet their 21-day reading challenge and make it through January.  But, February turns into something else.  That is the month that the daily reading slows and many times drops off.  So, this year, they will move their 21-day challenge to February 1 to keep people going. Time will tell if this works, but it makes sense to me.  It seems like a good thing for us to think about as well as we set goals and objectives in our work.  We can get going, but what do we need to do to keep going? What will you do when the momentum slows?

It is hard to stay consistent with those areas of our life that should be easy for us, areas that are obviously good for us and still we can’t create a consistency to get to good habits.  So, if those things are hard, then imagine that as we pursue a consistency in our spiritual journey, with all of the forces pushing us in an opposite direction, that to find this consistency is extra hard.  That may be why Jesus taught us to come back to the Lord day by day, one dependent step on Him at a time.  Jesus wants us in conversation with Him consistently and to never quit.  It is our challenge and one that is worth rising to, day by day.

Reference:  Luke 18:1 (The Message Translation)