Tag Archives: Luke 1:48

day 2736: The Power of Yes – Part 2

“For he took notice of his lowly servant girl, and from now on all generations will call me blessed.”

Yesterday, we first explored the power of “Yes”.  So, lets imagine that we did say yes and now what?  Well, to convert a yes into all of its’ potential, then we have to follow through on all that the yes means. A yes without what comes with it is empty and hollow and then no one is happy as the people expecting follow-through now feel like they have been let down.  So, when we do say yes, we need to be sure that we are willing to do all that comes with it.

This will be our last post until 12/30 as we take a Christmas break and enjoy the gift of Jesus being given to us as our Savior. As we go into this coming week and think about the yeses that we may make for the coming year, we should also consider that the yes that we are asked to give needs to come with all that could happen, good and bad. As I think more and more about the yes that Mary gave when she agreed to be the Mother of Christ it was a monumental commitment.  Let’s never forget that she didn’t birth Jesus and then move on with her life.  She was with him during his childhood.  She was there with him in His ministry and with Him there in His death.  At the time of her commitment, His crucifixion was not presented to Mary as what God had in mind and like any mother her love for her son had to be deep.  So, the pain of Mary saying yes was great.  So, let’s be sure that we never say yes without being ready for what may be a future we couldn’t predict.  And when we do, know that God has an amazing plan in mind for us.

Merry Christmas.  Have a great time with family and friends and know that your readership is a gift to me!

Reference: Luke 1:48 (New Living Translation)