Tag Archives: luke 10:27

day 2073: Stages of Adoption (Part 1 – Innovator)

“The man answered, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

There are five types of adopters to new ideas, programs, processes or technology.  Today, we will begin with the Innovators.  These are the people who will be the ones who actually bring us the “new”.  This means that these types of people not only don’t fear what they may face when they propose something new and different, they actually thrive on creating and sourcing what can be different and/or better.  We all know someone who is like this and while we know that we need them, sometimes they can drive us nuts because they may never act as though they are happy, content or satisfied.  So, it can be hard to balance the reactions to Innovators, but regardless, we need Innovators if anything is going to improve.

Jesus brought more innovation to us than we might give Him credit.  He changed everything, but even Jesus had someone like John the Baptist to pave the way and we can only imagine the ridicule that John the Baptist must have received as spoke about the coming Messiah.  And even when Jesus had begun His ministry He had to say that a prophet from his own town or family is hard to be heard and believed.  We don’t naturally accept those who want to change the way we do things.  It is good for us to remind ourselves of the innovation that Jesus brought to the world and to all of us.  He is one innovator who should be celebrated in how we live each and every day

Reference:  Luke 10:27 (New Living Translation)