Tag Archives: Longer Strides

day 2275: Longer Strides

“The confident stride of the wicked will be shortened. Their own schemes will be their downfall.”
Yes, I love to run.  I’ve been doing it now for many, many years. I have noticed as I have aged that my stride has shortened. At the same time, everything I read says that I should be lengthening my stride. I believe them, but the tendency is to shorten, shorten and shorten. The same happens in our business and organizational world.  We know we need to lengthen our stride to look for new products, different services, strategic thinking, different people and leaders. But, we don’t always.  We get tentative and we shorten our strides while newer, younger, and more innovative companies lengthen and thus speed up.  Which are we doing today?  Lengthening or shortening?
If we are told in the book of Job that the confident strides of the wicked will be shortened, then it means that as we do our best to be godly that God wants us to lengthen our stride and walk confidently through our lives because it is God that guides and strengthens us.  And that is how we should also approach our work lives.  Without a doubt we will run into obstacles and challenges this week that will test our faith and when we do, let’s keep our strides long and towards Him.
Reference: Job 18:7 (New Living Translation)