Tag Archives: Leviticus 20:7

day 2635: The Uncommon Life

“So set yourselves apart to be holy, for I am the Lord your God.”

All businesses are always seeking to be distinguished and unique in some way.  If we didn’t then we would be the same as everyone else and thus, noncompetitive.  So we want to be uncommon and to be that is hard.  We have the characteristics and the elements to be so, but we have to dig deep to find what it is that makes us different.  Once we do that, then we can market and sell to that advantage.  But, if we don’t know what it is that sets us apart, then we are relegated to being the same as everyone else.

Jesus led the uncommon life.  His Disciples led the uncommon life. The people of the Old Testament who built the foundation of our faith, they led the uncommon lives.  It was not that any of them, other than Jesus, were uncommon people, in fact in most cases they were common, but the lives that they chose to lead and their commitment and the sacrifices they made, set them apart.  Their lives became uncommon.  Are we to not also strive to the live our lives as uncommon?

Reference:  Leviticus 20:7 (New Living Translation)