Tag Archives: leadership

day 570: Grateful Leadership

Leadership roles are great! Whether we end up team leaders, supervisors, vice presidents or CEOs, there is nothing like being in a leadership position and helping others achieve a common set of goals and objectives. I love leading and I feel most vocationally alive when I am doing so. But, that said, there is much that comes with leading. Remember, to whom much is given, much is required applies in all aspects of our lives, work included. So sometimes, leading can be such a burden and set of headaches and hassles that we forget what a privilege and gift it is to be able to be a leader. It is important that we not lose our perspective or control of our emotions so we not hurt ourselves or those who are counting on us for our undivided attention, commitment and caring. Yesterday we referenced Moses and the stress fractures he experiences in Numbers Chapter 11. In verses 11-12 Moses becomes an unhappy and ungrateful leader and loses a healthy perspective, “And Moses said to the Lord, ‘Why are you treating me, your servant, so miserably? What did I do to deserve the burden of a people like this? Are they my children? Am I their father? Is that why you have told me to carry them in my arms – like a nurse carries a baby – to the land you swore to give their ancestors?” Moses doesn’t look or sound like a grateful leader does he? The account we have in Numbers doesn’t say if others could hear Moses talking to God or not but if they had, they might have wondered if they were following and being led by the right guy. There is much to being a leader but the bottom line is that whenever we are given the gift of leading, we must do it in a grateful and warmhearted way so that others will follow with all of their heart knowing that we want the best of them and ourselves. Let’s approach this day with the grateful heart that God would want us to have and model this to those who are watching.

Reference: Numbers 11-11-12 (New Living Testament)