Tag Archives: know it alls

day 1139: Know It All?

“Well, then,” Jesus said, “the citizens are free! However, we don’t want to offend them, so go down to the lake and throw in a line. Open the mouth of the first fish you catch, and you will find a large silver coin. Take it and pay the tax for both of us.”

Every company and organization has those who “know it all”.  In fact, we call them that; “Know it alls”.  We probably learned this term when we were kids.  But, back then we probably said this out of jealousy because the kid on the front row with the hand up probably did know it all.  But, in business we run into people who are “Know it alls” and they are not very popular because as we all know, no one knows it all.  In the workplace, those who think they know it all are also the worst listeners and have a very high ego.  What we also know is that being the “Know it all” is a dangerous place to sit as the first day that they are wrong there will be plenty of people ready to point it out and dethrone them. It’s never a good thing to be a “Know it all” and no company does well with allowing these people to have too much influence.

We never want to be known as “Know it alls” either.  It is the opposite of what Jesus taught us to be.  When Peter and Jesus were talking about taxes and Jesus told Peter to go fish (his profession) and that Peter would find a fish with a coin in his mouth, you can only imagine what was going through Peter’s mind.  I know I would have wanted to say, “Hey Jesus, in case you missed it, I’ve been fishing for a long time and am pretty good at it, and with all due respect, fish don’t swallow coins and if they did, the chance of me catching one that has one in its mouth, well, you might just want to keep that idea to yourself Jesus”.  But, see if Peter had said that, he would have been trusting on his own knowledge and not the knowledge of Jesus.  In this case Peter wasn’t a “Know it all”!  And thankfully he wasn’t as we then learn of another miracle of Jesus and the lesson that each of us should never trust in our own knowledge before trusting in His first!

Reference:  Matthew 17: 26-27 (New Living Translation)