Tag Archives: jude 1:24

day 2034: Parachutes

“Now all glory to God, who is able to keep you from falling away and will bring you with great joy into his glorious presence without a single fault.”

I remember a long time ago Management Consultant, Gregory Smith, encouraging companies to make sure everyone in their company had a “parachute”.  At first reading, I was thinking that he meant a parachute as in some rip-cord safe-landing way to exit the company.  It wasn’t what he meant at all.  He described training as the parachute that all not only needed, but everyone deserved.  It’s true.  We send in new people or experienced people into something new and tell them, “You’ll figure it out”, and when they fail, it becomes their problem as they depart the company.  But what if?  What if we said, before, each and every time, we asked someone to do something new, we ensured that they received ample and proper training for the task or job at hand?  Imagine that we could reduce failure or rework rates by 50% or more?  In your business, would it be worth it?  I think if pencil goes to paper, we could be looking at packing some parachutes!

I fail each and every day.  The other day a friend (and one of the longest reading followers of purposed worKING) introduced me to someone else and he said we both were to him two of the more consistent men of faith he knew.  We both blushed a bit and looked at each other, and almost simultaneously confirmed verbally that we are sinners spared and saved only by grace.  What we were also saying is that we have with us at all times, THE parachute, who will always save us from our falls and failings.  So, lets each repack that parachute today with Him as we ready for another day of doing our best for His glory.

Reference: Jude 1:24 (New Living Translation)