Tag Archives: Joshua 24:31

day 2436: Living It

“The people of Israel served the Lord throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him—those who had personally experienced all that the Lord had done for Israel.”

When we have people in our organizations who have been around long enough that they can recant instances where they were part of a decision or an event personally, then we are fortunate.  We are working today in a time of very short expected tenure and have come to accept frequent turnover of employees as just the way it is going to be.  That may (or may not…longer post needed) be the case, but regardless, we would be advantaged if we can hang on to people who were there when history was made.

In the book of Joshua we see that the Israelites followed and stayed loyal to those who had personally experienced all that the Lord had done for the Israel. This is true today as well. When someone is ready and willing to share what they have personally experienced that the Lord has done for them, then others will want to know more. That’s why we need to ready to talk about what we have lived!

Reference: Joshua 24:31 (New Living Translation)