Tag Archives: Job

day 901: Witness Protection

“And this is what he says to all humanity: ‘The fear of the Lord is true wisdom; to forsake evil is real understanding.”

In the past weeks there have been a number of news stories about companies and organizations that are caught in lawsuits from shareholders, employees, and customers.  These suits cover the spectrum of external and internal issues and have made the front page of newspapers around the world.  With lawsuits that we read about in the papers or online, we aren’t ever getting the full story as the defendants can only say that they believe the allegations to be false and they plan to vigorously defend their innocence. The problem with this is that in the midst of all of this; public opinion is being shaped and sides are drawn, sometimes never to hear the truth in the outcome and reputations are destroyed and lost in the process.  It is sad to watch and we all can only pray that we are not put in the middle of one of these and if we are, that we are always ready with our response and actions.  Great PR and legal counsel that has us ready ahead of time, before the crisis, are worth their weight in gold.

In one of the issues bubbling up right now, I know there are believers who are caught up in the mess.  I have reached out to them for support and prayed that their witness is protected and not damaged during these times.  When we are under fire and under attack we are weakened and we can find ourselves making bad decisions and only hurting ourselves more.  This is the time we need to reach forward and support each other and if it is us in the crossfire, reach to those who can support and lift us up.  Our reputations are are our witness and when damaged they are hard to repair.  Though, through God, all is possible.  The recent passing of Chuck Colson (if you don’t know his story, you should) reminds us that our God is one of repair and restoration if we lean unto Him for who we really are.  I pray that witnesses will be protected today and that yours and mine are secure today in His arms.

Reference:  Job 28:28 (New Living Testament)