Tag Archives: James 1:5

day 2708: More, Please

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.”

There is that classic scene in the movie, “Oliver” when Oliver goes back to the food line and asks for, “More, please”. When we feel like we need to go back and ask for more, we can feel like we are ashamed, weak or defeated in having to ask for more advice, counsel, direction, support, etc.  We should never feel this way because those who don’t ask for help won’t find any.

If there is anything we are all short of supply on it is wisdom.  I know some really wise people and one of the reasons that they are so wise is that they keep asking questions, learning from others and never consider that they know it all. We might need a little wisdom to close out this week.  One place to ask for it that has God’s assurance attached, is to go straight to Him. We won’t find anyone else who will give us their wisdom like God will provide.

Reference: James 1:5 (New Living Translation)