Tag Archives: Isaiah 29:24

day 2986: Sticks In The Mud

“Then the wayward will gain understanding, and complainers will accept instruction.”

No one really wants to be called a “Stick in the Mud”.  It means; “one who is slow, old-fashioned”.  There is some nostalgia with the past and being “old fashioned” with some things, but for the purpose of this post, we don’t want to be companies or people within companies who are slow or old-fashioned.  That is unless we want be swallowed up by the competition.  It’s almost a full-time job to keep up with what is new and being developed.  So, if we find ourselves ever feeling “stuck” then it is time to do something about it ASAP.

We can be very slow to change when it comes to God’s instructions for us.  We more easily find ourselves stuck where we are versus adaptable and accepting of what He is calling on us to do and be.  Over and over in God’s Word we find those who were stuck being those disciplined to get out of their own ways.  God doesn’t want us to live that life.  He wants us to enthusiastically embrace the changes He has in store for us.  What I fear is that if our mindset is one of being stuck in the mud, we will not only miss what He requires of us, but will also miss all of the extraordinary He wants us to have.  He will show us where we are stuck, if we will open up to Him and what He is showing us.

Reference:  Isaiah 29:24 (New Living Translation)