Some of the happiest people I know are the people who have a job where the work is done each day and at the end of the day there isn’t much to stress about. But, most jobs are not so tidy and there is usually something to be done in the longer term so that the work becomes a bit of a journey from here to there. This is where we learn endurance and perseverance. It is also where we learn to plan, pace, sequence and bring the work in on time. Some people become masters at this. Others struggle, but make it happen. And there are those who never quite get it right and go through their work career careening to get things delivered. There is a skill in being able to manage and work on something for an extended amount of time and do so with the same energy level and commitment at the end as when the work was started. Those who can do this earn the respect and the confidence of the people making work assignments and tend to get more and more put on their plate. Consequently, they grow in both stature and rewards. So, we need to know, learn and remember that inside the journey is the real work and completing the journey is what you are expected to do. The story of Eliezer in Genesis 24 is one from which we can learn. He was sent by Abraham to find a wife for Isaac. His task involved a journey, commitment and faith to find completion. He prayed along the way a prayer that we should all pray as we go about our work; “Help me to accomplish the purpose of my journey”. You may be at the beginning, the middle or near the end of your own work journey. Wherever you are, do not lose faith or energy. Instead call upon God for Him to help you accomplish the purpose. Like He did Eliezer, He will bring you to the right well and be there for you to complete the task and finish the journey.
Reference: Genesis 24:12 (New Living Testament)