Tag Archives: inside out

day 163: Inside Job

Throughout this Purposed worKING blog we have explored how we can bring glory to God as our purpose and how we can use our work that we do day in and day out to be a part of the work of the Kingdom. Each day we go to work and we do our best to represent what it means to be a follower of Jesus and we try and live the example and role model that God would want us to live. One day is better than another and regardless we continue to strive towards being the best we can be. The typical work environment does not assist in this and we find ourselves trying to go right and good in the midst of politics and lots of little bad things that can add up to making it really hard to live the life at work that we desire. It may be that this is harder than it needs to be because we aren’t allowing God to do His work on us. What He wants to do is what I call an “inside job”. He wants us to welcome Him into our lives and then allow Him to work from the inside out on us. We see this in Philippians 2:13; “For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him.” What I love about this verse is that while we are going about our work, doing the best we can to please Him, He is doing His work inside of us to give us the desire and the power to bring Him pleasure. If ever there was a virtuous circle it is this one. As we continue to explore how we can turn our earthly work into God’s purpose, let us never forget, and let us be daily encouraged, that God wants to work as hard at this in us as we will allow Him. As we head back to work this week after the long weekend, let’s start with letting God do His inside job on us first and then we can pick it up from there for Him.

Reference: Philippians 2:13 (New Living Testament)