Tag Archives: Idle Beware

day 3K41: Idle Beware

“”Idle hands are the devil’s workshop”

A company I consult with just lost an employee.  Not to better wages, but more to what the employee said was, “More control over my situation”.   Her situation isn’t applicable to anyone else’s situation, because it is hers and hers alone.  Well, at least in her mind.  She also said, “I had a lot of time last year and this year to think it over.”  Yes, she and many have had that time.  The time of being idle. There is the adage (a Proverb):  Idle hands are the devil’s workshop.”  A lot of people have had more time to think than they ever have had and just because we are thinking, doesn’t mean we are going to come to the right conclusion or decision.  So, what are we doing to be sure that this idle time of thinking doesn’t get worse?  Are we making sure, now more than ever, that our employees are engaged, motivated and excited enough that they don’t have that extra time to be idle?

Yep, it’s a Proverb that can mean many things to us and speak truth into our lives.  I find that it is in my idle times that I am at my worst in keeping focused and fixed on the right things.  When I have idle time, my mind can begin to think and stray to places that it shouldn’t causing me to see, interpret and respond in ways that I don’t want. I can begin to doubt, mistrust and lose faith.  Long way of saying, the idle mind and idle hands is not a good thing.  The active mind after the right things is a place where we want to be.  And, we can do that if we choose.

Reference:  Proverbs 16:27 (Living Bible)