Tag Archives: horse racing

day 1321: Looking Left and Right

Peter asked Jesus, “What about him, Lord?” Jesus replied, “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? As for you, follow me.”

It’s about this time of the year that I start taking interest in the three-year old thoroughbreds that are racing throughout the country.  I love horse racing because I love the majesty of these beasts who are bred to run and do so with all they have each and every time they are taken to the starting gate.  I used to say that I wanted my company filled with thoroughbreds.  It is a good analogy, but also one that can backfire if taken to the extreme.  Thoroughbreds are great comparators of each other.  From the time they see another, they begin to size them up and the adrenaline starts flowing to see who can outrun the other.  Get them next to each other and it takes a good trainer and jockey to keep them from looking left and right to see who is ahead or behind them.  When this happens they lose focus and can become distracted.  Sounding familiar?  Yes, we do the same in our work.  We start running and then we start looking left and right to compare and see how we are doing.  And, with “big data” there will be more and more of the opportunity to compare.  Looking left and right gets us only one thing; a sore neck.  Sure we need to know where our competition stands and what they are doing, but becoming fixated and obsessed about where we stand in comparison can take us off our game and ironically, make us lose ground.
God doesn’t want us to look left and right.  He asks us to fix our eyes on Him, without distraction or comparison to others. If we have found ourselves in a place of obsession about how we are tracking (titles, salary, material things) versus our peers, then today would be a good day to spend time asking God to take this from us, and instead instill fulfillment and joy in knowing that we are doing our best for Him.  They say Thoroughbreds are a little crazy about what kind of horse they are compared to the others.  We want to run our race well and do so to our best abilities and potential but we don’t want to let ourselves take on the obsessions that can come with comparison. 
Reference: John 21: 21-22 (New Living Translation)