Tag Archives: hoa

day 2500: Paid Prioritization

“He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you….”

With the ability to pay, access to the front of the line has always been available.  Whether it was trading or buying outright, if one person had something of value that another person desired, they were able to receive priority.  This remains true today and with technology the access is broadened.  In the busiest of cities, the HOA lanes can be accessed as a single driver by paying an extra toll for access to the lane.  And now with the removal of net neutrality, we are soon to expect the same paid prioritization for faster access to the internet.  The flipside of paid prioritization is that those who can’t afford the access can be disadvantaged.  As it relates to things like entertainment or leisure maybe it is not a big deal, but as it relates to education, employment, etc. then we as employers need to stay cognizant and aware of when our internet service providers and carriers begin to charge new tolls and those who can afford for paid prioritization are the ones who are first in line, setting new prices.

Nothing that God has provided us have we had, or will we have to pay for.  Jesus paid it all forward for us eternally. As we go about today, let’s remember that we are the walking, breathing, living receipts that He has given us for our redemption.  As we encounter others today who feel as though they are paying for their mistakes, guilt or transgressions, let’s be the ones to remind them that the check has been cleared if we are only willing to receive what we have been given.

Also, I do like to mark milestones….today is post 2500 for purposed worKING.  I look forward to the next 2500, Lord willing 🙂

Reference:  Mark 4:11 (New Living Translation)