Tag Archives: harald bluetooth

day 2820: Connecting

“I am in them and you are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.”

It’s never been easier to “connect” than it is now. I do mean with people but I also mean with devices. What was once an arduous task to connect one device to another now happens almost magically.  Sure, there are always glitches, but for the most part, we have come a long, long way.  We can thank Bluetooth technology for this.  But did you know there is a story behind why we call it Bluetooth?  The technology is named for a Danish King, Harald Bluetooth who when he needed to unite the Danish country he converted the country to Christianity, even though he was not raised to be a Christian.  We might say, it was a God thing.

I found this fascinating, because in this time, this is a great reminder that our faith could be what is the catalyst to connect us. Yes, we know that religion gets politicized and gets used to make arguments, etc. but let’s remember that when we truly show we love God and love others (yes, both) that it brings people together.  We can be ones who connect and unite others just by truly living out our faith. What a gift for today!

Reference: John 17:23 (New Living Translation)