Tag Archives: handiwork

day 642: Work On Display

“The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.”

Those of us who don’t work with our hands don’t have many opportunities to put our work on display. I guess you could say that every interaction and every meeting is a display of our work and that would be true, but putting our work on display to me means being able to stop everything around us and allow for others to see the fruits of our labors and the craft, art, experience and skill that goes into making something that others will view and appreciate. Those who do something with their hands, and their minds, get to do this. It can be something behind a display case or as open and as grand as building, a park, a car, a sculpture, the performance of a piece of music, or a painting. Whatever it is, when someone creates something that is going to go on display something extra gets added and that extra is many times what makes the display something special or extraordinary. It’s the moment of having to have the work done that can be the driver of going above and beyond to get it done. We would be better in our work world if everyone had a chance to display their work. Pencils and thinking would sharpen. Goals, budgets and timelines would tighten. Teamwork would advance. Our ability to complete and strive to exceed in pleasing our customers would go up. To have that same commitment and dedication to perfect something is what the artisan or craftsman has that makes them unique. If Corporate America could capture more of this type of thinking and attitude then think how much better we would be.

God’s handiwork finds itself on display regularly. As the verse says, “the skies display his craftsmanship”. The skies are not the only place we have to look to see His display. We have to look no further than in the mirror to see something that He created that goes on display daily. If we think of ourselves that way then the privilege and burden we carry is increased. We do carry that responsibility and we are to think of ourselves as a display of what God wants others to see in Him. We carry His reputation and His image with us into every meeting and every occasion in our lives. Today is God calling you to become a better display of Him? He wants you to be the best you can be in bringing glory to Him in all that you do, so he needs you to be sure that what if on display of Him in you is the best that you can be.

Reference: Psalm 19:1 (New Living Testament)