Tag Archives: half and half

day 1109: Half and Half

“Because you have obeyed my command to persevere, I will protect you from the great time of testing that will come upon the whole world to test those who belong to this world.”

One of the harder conversations to have as an investor or a Board Member is to tell the enthusiastic, optimistic, excited, anxious, CEO and/or Founder, that history and experience says to always plan on half and half; half the revenue forecasted and that the time you think it will take to get that revenue is underestimated by half. You can almost see their spirit drain from them if this isn’t communicated in the correct way.  What I see happen a lot is that the investors/board members don’t want to have that tough conversation so instead they will use other forms of control and influence versus communication. This is when we see the metering out of funding, or an increase in oversight from the Board, or the increased frequency of reporting.  It’s a hard lesson to learn, but once that pattern is recognized and appreciated then going forward the plans are already baked with half and half to better ensure for success.

What happens in our lives when we are forced to have to deal with the half and half phenomena is that we have to learn to persevere.  Perseverance is hard and it’s not what everyone can/will do.  Those who can/do are looked up to and respected.  When we are taking God to work with us and asking for Him to give us the perseverance, motivation, commitment and energy to finish strong and well, then we are doing what He desires; for us to lean on Him. He promises His protection if we stick with Him!  The journey of life is not easy.  You don’t need me to tell you that.  But, we all need others who will prop us up, encourage us and make sure that we aren’t quitting at the half.  Can you be that someone to someone else today?

Reference: Revelation 3:10 (New Living Translation)