Tag Archives: haaai

day 911: Rebuilding

“Now go up into the hills, bring down timber, and rebuild my house.”

This is post 911 of Purposed worKING.  I do my best to think about those posts that can be applied to the work world and the culture around us.  Before September 11, 2001, 911 meant two things to me; three numbers to call in an emergency and a car that I owned for awhile.  Then, the attack happened and 911 took on a whole new meaning for all of us.  Now over a decade later since that fateful day we can look back and think more about rebuilding than being torn apart and down.  Shortly, the tower that stands in the site of the World Trade Center will once again be the tallest building in America.  What I find encouraging and hopeful in this is that we might all feel under attack at one point or another, and we might get knocked down, but there is nothing stopping any of us in our businesses, our careers and our lives from rebuilding.  We have all seen it and just have to believe that we can always rebuild.  On my own 911 anniversary, I want to ask all of us to change our focus towards rebuilding whatever in our lives feels knocked down or destroyed.  Our God is a builder and we are made in His image so let us be a daily “re-builder” of his Kingdom in all that we do!

Reference:  Haggai 1:8 (New Living Translation)