Tag Archives: guest contributors

day 1388: Summer Thanks!

“Most important of all, continue to show deep love for each other, for love covers a multitude of sins.”

Today is a special day.  All across the country, companies and employees are getting ready for the long weekend that signals the start of summer! Memorial Day weekend gets it all started. Some companies will start their summer hours and gear up for people taking their vacation weeks. It’s always exciting.  This holiday is about paying memory to those who have served and fallen for our country.  Between getting ready for the fun weekend and the memorials it can be a great time to express to each other how much we appreciate them and their contributions that assist in our success.  It’s a great time for leaders and managers to express their recognition to their teams and co-workers.

Today also marks a day for me to say thank you to many.  On Monday, I leave on a special trip. My friend Doug, who recently turned 50 invited me and a group of guys to join him on a pilgrimage trip in Spain.  We will be walking daily (with our backpacks) along the Camino de Santiago. This is a tradition for nearly a million people who have been doing it for a 1000 years.  While on this long trip, one is supposed to figure out what they will be “leaving behind”. I will share what that is when I return.  While I am gone, purposed worKING will continue.  I have asked a number of the most courageous and committed followers of Christ who are daily living out their purpose in their workplaces, to write and share for all of us. I have been overwhelmed with their generosity of spirit and time.  I know you will be blessed by their writings.  And, after this series of guest contributors ends, be on the watch out for a new look and expansion of Purposed worKING.

Enjoy this Friday summer kickoff and long weekend!  Be blessed and stay strong in His promises!

Reference: 1 Peter 4:8 (New Living Translation)