Tag Archives: Growth Or Pivot?

day 2399: Growth Or Pivot?

Still other seeds fell on fertile soil, and they produced a crop that was thirty, sixty, and even a hundred times as much as had been planted!

I recently read an article by an economist who describes two states of business: 1) Growth – increases in services or products and 2) Pivot – the shifting of the distribution or production of those goods and services.  This is as simplified diagnosis question for any of the work we are doing and it is important because we can easily become deceived in thinking that we are growing but indeed all we are doing is pivoting.  Certainly, a significant and productive pivot can lead to growth, but more often than not those pivots can lull us into a false feeling of growth being satisfied with a better bottom line.  But, without a growing top line, the deception will quickly catch up with us.

Jesus tells the parable of the sower.  What He is asking each of us is whether or not we are just pivoting in our faith or are we really letting Him grow within us? It’s pretty obvious that He is challenging us to grow and to yield from that growth multiples of what we can conceive possible.  Imagine today that we are the product and service of God in our workplace and on this earth.  Are we increasing His Kingdom or are we just pivoting what is already there?

Reference:  Matthew 13:18 (New Living Translation)