Tag Archives: GRAMMYs

day 1310: “Random Access….”

“So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last.”

I’m now back from over a full week in Los Angeles for The GRAMMYs.  Among many events that I attended, none was more cool than the Special Merit Awards where the Lifetime Achievement Awards are conducted. Because I was a part of presenting the first ever GRAMMY Music Educator Award, Patti and I had front row seats and all the inductees filed past us as they came in and took their places, also on the front row.  This was a special year because The Beatles were honored along with Kris Kristofferson.  An interesting thing happened that day that I began to call “Random Access” (partly because of the name of the album that won best of the year).  Here is what happened.  Because our seats were in the walking path of the inductees and all of the “important” people would pass by, I had people who weren’t sitting where we were, come and talk to me, very obviously, so they would have access to the inductees as they passed and their meetings would look “random”.  The conversations that these people were holding with me, was obvious in their length as they were, almost parasitically, hanging around us so they could be in the right place at the right time.  This happened to me again at another event, by another person.  It made me reflect on whether or not I have ever done that or seen others do so.  And, I guess we all have at some point.  When we go out of our way, when in a crowd, to see someone we know, because they are near someone we want to meet, we are doing the same thing. Here is the learning: It is obvious even though we think it isn’t. And, it looks prideful and egocentric.  We might call if “networking”, but be sure and consider all the perceptions before you next look for “Random Access”.

The things of the world can be such great reminders of how God acts just the opposite.  Look no further than when Jesus used His parables to remind us that the least will be first, and the first last.  God doesn’t want us to be looking for “Random Access” with Him.  He gives us each a place, and that place is to be as close to Him as we can.  We get there through our love for Him, our devotion to Him and our seeking a deeper and deeper relationship.  There is nothing “random” about our access to Jesus.

Reference: Matthew 20:16 (New Living Translation)