Tag Archives: gossipers

day 1379: There Is Talk

“A gossip goes around telling secrets, but those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.”

Nothing moves faster around the office or the newsroom than gossip.  Apple to buy Beats for $3.2B has dominated the press for three days now.  No one has confirmed it so far.  The minute they do, the story will be written once and then done.  But, while it is gossip, it seems like it builds upon itself.  We see this all the time in business and many times it just isn’t pretty with what is being said about others.  Whenever we hear, “There is talk”, we should take notice that something good may not be coming from the gossip.

We can get pulled into gossip time and Mondays are the best for it, so let’s have our guard up.  Everyone comes in with their weekend stories and some will catch fire.  Let’s not be the ones that fuel that fire, but instead fall back on the truth and hold to that as what we will pass forward.  No on likes a gossiper.  That should be enough for us to hold to what we know to be right.

Reference: Proverbs 11:13 (New Living Translation)