Tag Archives: good friday

day 2590: Time Focus: Problems Or Opportunities?

“Once I heard that, I was glad to let it happen. I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift.”

Today we return to work after our last long weekend before Good Friday and if we don’t get off on that Friday then the stretch goes all the way to Memorial Day.  It’s a long stretch and if the weather is bad or winter just hangs on we can find ourselves falling into the daily complaint mode.  We can end up thinking everything is a problem and we become pretty dour to those around us. Or, we look to the bright side and we become the ones who give out energy and encouragement.  We only have so much time today, the same amount for each of us, and we get to choose if we are going to look at each hour or minute as filled with problems or opportunities. I don’t have to tell you which one will make us more likeable.

Paul had to finally just get over whatever his affliction was but was struggling. Once he heard God tell him that He would deliver all of God’s strength to Paul in Paul’s weakness, then everything changed for him.  Paul was an interesting dude as best we can tell; he needed to be jolted to get his attention, but once God did, he changed radically.  Paul went from one who spent his time on a problem to being uplifted and seeing the opportunities. It was God’s grace that made the change so if we are looking at a pile of problems today and we want them turn into opportunities, then we just need to turn them over to Him and let Him help us sort them out.

Reference: 2 Corinthians 12:9 (MSG)